Monday, October 12, 2009

West’s Myopia regarding India

The New York Times editorial (see the link below) lecturing India to stop developing nuclear weapons and focus on economic growth is typical example of West’s myopic vision regarding India and what is happening in the world.

India unfortunately has tough neighborhood with an unstable nuclear armed and increasingly Jihadist Pakistan on her western frontiers and a belligerent Communist China on her east side. India needs to do whatever is necessary for her self defense and national interests.

The problem with the West is that it goes out of its way to placate Communist China and lectures Democratic India. The latest example is President Obama’s refusal to meet Dalai Lama because Obama is too concerned to offend Communist China. It is time for the West to realize that its interests and security lie with the democratic and secular India which shares common values and ideals with West and help India develop as a strong country.

1 comment:

  1. It is highly questionable why India accepted a Nuclear Deal in 2008 by compromising its external security and selling its sovereignty, honor, and independence of last 34 years? This is also a known fact that a great majority of Indian Legislatures, Politicians, Bureaucrats and Businesses never hesitate to sell even their mothers for money. But where were the main stream Indian Media and Supreme Court Judiciary, why they failed to stop the sale of India’s soverignity to Israeli controlled America.

    It is an open secret that American Politicians, Bureaucrats, Businesses and Civil Right organizations can drop their pants or skirts for Israeli/Jew Leaders before the blink of an eye and start crawling for them. The reason being few thousand Israeli/Jew Leaders control main stream media, Hollywood , Real Estate, trade, commerce, banking and politics of America . The most recent example is in May AIPAC drafted a letter warning Obama to "work closely and privately" with Israel . It garnered 329 signatures in the House and 76 names in the Senate. During the August recess, 56 members of Congress visited Israel, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters that it was a mistake to make settlement construction the key issue and that there was a "significant difference" between settlements in the West Bank and those in East Jerusalem.”

    Then Israeli companies are the only one who can give Rs. 400 crores kick back in a Rs. 11,00 crore defense deal to Indian Politicians. Israeli’s have ruined India ’s defense research programmes by selling inferior military hardware at highly inflated prices by bribing Indian Politicians across the isle, top military brass and bureaucrats. Today they are the biggest supplier of military hard ware to India despite the fact since 1991 they have never sold or transferred any technology to India . On the other hand Israeli’s sold defense Satellite Technology and Missile Technology to India’s hostile neighbor after stealing it from America. The Nuclear Deal of 2008 is a bonanza for Israeli’s and Indian Politicians and pimps like Amar Singh posing as Business Leader also.

    Last question which comes to mind and every one around the world is aware of Israel for 5 million Jews only run by fanatics has more than 150 Nuclear weapons and is not under any scrutiny by IAEA. Then the Nuclear Proliferators America, Russia , China , France and Britain together they control more than 25,000 nuclear weapons and do not want to cut down their stock pile by even a single weapon. Why India a multi religious democracy of 1.15 billion with less than 12 nuclear weapons with hostile nuclear neighbors like China and Pakistan has accepted to be the slave of Israelis and Nuclear Proliferators?

    This Nuclear Deal tells us that Indian Political & Business Leadership, Media and Judiciary have failed the Indian public collectively and individually for personal financial gains to them selves. India must maintain its sovereignty and keep up its Nuclear Programme alive with regular testing unless the Nuclear Proliferators America, Russia , France, Britain , Israel and India ’s hostile neighbors China & Pakistan reduce their Nuclear arsenal and stop testing further Nuclear devices for Military purposes.

    Dave Makkar
