Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Message from Massachusetts....

It is interesting that the spin on the Massachusetts special election for US Senate on January 19, has already started. In its editorial, the leftist New York Times stated that “The Democrats had an exceptionally weak candidate in Massachusetts”. The fact is that Republican Candidate Scott Brown is a first time Massachusetts State Senator while the Democratic Candidate Martha Coakley is currently Massachusetts Attorney General. The Senate seat in question was held by Democrats for 47 years and was considered super safe for the Democratic Party. Actually Scott Brown won the Republican primary as no credible Republican wanted to go for it. All the big shots from Democratic Party including President Obama campaigned hard for Martha Coakley. However, The New York times continues its spin by stating that the election result was “ not remotely a verdict on Mr. Obama’s presidency, nor does it amount to a national referendum on health care reform”

As I have stated in this blog on October 5, and subsequently on November 8, last year that Obama’s problem is trying to do too many things at the same time and his administration’s lack of prioritizing. The economy and job creation should have been his first priority while the health care reforms could have been handled the second year. It is beyond belief that despite the fact that the Democrats have huge majorities in Congress and also control the White House, they have nothing to show for last one year. All they have is a watered down health care reform bill which still does not cover 18 million Americans, will cost a trillion dollars and has no meaningful provisions for cost control. This bill belongs to a trash can.

No wonder people are mad and want to have their voice heard. People want results on issues affecting their lives. They don’t care how popular President Obama is abroad. Hopefully Democrats are learning their lesson. However it is equally important for the Republicans not to become cocky and draw the right message from the vote in Massachusetts.

1 comment:

  1. Talking about political parties at this point is moot; there is one party, the money party, and they both have the same agenda, and that agenda is determined by Wall Street and the big bankers. The citizens of this country, in real fact, don't exist on D.C.s radar.
    They don't notice the real citizens of this country because we have no power because we will not unite in large numbers and force the change that is needed so badly. And, that change is a complete revamping of the entire Federal, State, and local governmental systems--like returning to the Constitution as the guiding document for government. Until this radical makeover occurs in this country, nothing is going to change.
